This is Guangzhou Gaci Trading company, which located in south China. Founded in 1998, she is a professional exporting company dealing shoes, jerseys and other commodity products. There are many new styles products for your choice and the fresh products are put out everyday. We offer a large selection of replicas of branded sports shoes, like Nike, Puma, Adidas, Timberland etc. with a huge variety of styles and full-ranged sizes at favorable price. All of those shoes come with original materials, correct style number, tags, labels and boxes .At the same time we offer brand jersey, jeans, T-shirts, caps, handbags and many other products. Our worldwide agents always gain benefits from our flexible manufacturing system with good facility layout and planning for their urgent delivery, We believe we are one of the top companies in this area, and nobody can ever denied it. OEM/ODM are mostly welcome. Our belief is ‘ service is foremost, customer is the first.’ Hope for your cooperation and growth together. Guangzhou (P. R. China) Gaci Trading Co.Ltd